Sunday, March 29, 2009

Why Can't We All Just Live In Peace?

This once rhetorical question now has a definitive answer: We do not live in peace because we are tribal territorial animals predisposed to war with one another, and to form subtribes based upon beliefs - political, religious, and social - that we defend as fiercely and irrationally as territory.

Our human species' programming ("the hidden programming controlling human behavior") is now being revealed through the research of neuroscientists studying how the brain functions.

Based on that research, Man by Nature presents a "Tribal Programming Theory of Human Behavior" that explains how our persistent and consistent irrational behavior is the direct result of our species programming. The theory answers many of the questions that have perennially plagued the human race.

How Can We Be Both Good and Evil?

Easily: Good arises from an instinct to be caring, protective, and altruistic toward tribemates, and Evil arises from an instinct to dominate or destroy other tribes.

Why Aren't We Aware Of The Instincts Affecting Our Behavior?

A well-documented brain function "rationalizes" any unconsciously initiated behavior, making us believe the behavior was due to conscious reasoning. Yes, this is astonishing and dismaying ... but it has been thoroughly proven.

Are We "Robots" Incapable Of Modifying Our Behavior?

Clearly not: We have been modifying our behavior with beliefs throughout our existence.

Given Our Predisposition To War, Is There Hope For Mankind?

There is always hope: The Enlightenment spread slowly, but inexorably. The new knowledge of the underlying cause of our warring constitutes a "New Enlightenment," which may eventually enable us to develop workable war-avoiding accords and disarm.

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